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get_ontologies() queries the OLS for information on all available ontologies.

get_ontology() retrieves information on a single ontology.

get_roots() and get_terms() return all 'roots' and terms in an ontology.

get_term() returns a tibble with detailed information about a single term.

get_parents(), get_ancestors(), get_children(), and get_descendants() retrieve parents, ancestors, children and descedants of a single term.





get_terms(ontology, all_ontologies = FALSE)

get_term(ontology, id, form = c("id", "obo_id", "short_form", "iri"))

get_parents(ontology, id, all_ontologies = FALSE)

get_ancestors(ontology, id, all_ontologies = FALSE)

get_children(ontology, id, all_ontologies = FALSE)

get_descendants(ontology, id, all_ontologies = FALSE)



character(1) id (from get_ontologies()) of the ontology of interst.


logical(1) when FALSE (default), only terms, parents, etc., defined in ontology are returned. When TRUE, terms from all ontologies are associated with terms in ontology are returned.


character(1) the term identifier, usually 'obo_id' (e.g., "CL:0002494") but for get_term() as specified by form.


character(1) the form of the identifier, as describe in Details.


The get_*() functions return tibbles summarizing information retrieved from the OLS. The meaning of individual columns is as in the service; columns are not renamed, but have been re-ordered to prioritize useful information.


The functions documented on this page provide a programmatic interface to the EMBL-EBI Ontology Lookup Service at The API is described at

The functions use an on-disk cache of results retrieved from the internet to speed interactive analysis. Generally, initial queries are 'slow', but subsequent identical queries are very fast. Details of the cache, some edge cases where the cache can get in the way of current results, and strategies for cache management are summarized in the 'Cache Management' section of the vignette.

In an attempt to simplify navigation of results, values returned from API calls are presented as a tibble with invariant columns removed.

Data returned by the OLS is often hierarchical, resulting in list columns in the tibble. In some cases (e.g., get_ontologies()) the list columns have been un-nested (using tidyr::unnest_wider()) to provide users with relevant information. Downstream processing steps may also find it beneficial to understand 'tidy' approaches to working with hierarchical data in tibbles, as outlined in chapter 23 of 'R For Data Science' (2e), This is illustrated in the "Hierarchical Data" section of the vignette.

For get_term(), the identifier id can be one of three forms. The id and obo_id forms are synonyms and follow the pattern ontology abbrevation, :, and term id, e.g., "CL:0002494". The short_form is typically like obo_id but with : replaced by _. An iri is the purl resource locator, typically "".

When no relatives are found, get_parents() etc. return a tibble with 0 rows (and sometimes 0 columns).


onto <- get_ontologies()
#> # A tibble: 265 × 31
#>    id        title          description version numberOfTerms numberOfProperties
#>    <chr>     <chr>          <chr>       <chr>           <int>              <int>
#>  1 ado       Alzheimer's D… Alzheimer'… 2.0.1            1963                186
#>  2 afpo      African Popul… AfPO is an… 2024-0…           473                 62
#>  3 agro      Agronomy Onto… AgrO is an… NA               4162                293
#>  4 aism      Ontology for … The ontolo… 2024-0…          8540                567
#>  5 amphx     Amphioxus Dev… An ontolog… NA                403                 10
#>  6 apo       Ascomycete Ph… A structur… 2024-1…           619                 27
#>  7 apollo_sv Apollo Struct… An OWL2 on… 2024-1…          1715                396
#>  8 aro       Antibiotic Re… Antibiotic… NA               8526                 25
#>  9 bco       Biological Co… An ontolog… 2021-1…           253                472
#> 10 bfo       Basic Formal … The upper … NA                 35                 22
#> # ℹ 255 more rows
#> # ℹ 25 more variables: numberOfIndividuals <int>, languages <list>,
#> #   loaded <chr>, updated <chr>, versionIri <chr>, namespace <chr>,
#> #   preferredPrefix <chr>, homepage <chr>, mailingList <chr>, tracker <chr>,
#> #   logo <lgl>, creators <lgl>, annotations <lgl>, fileLocation <chr>,
#> #   oboSlims <lgl>, labelProperty <chr>, definitionProperties <list>,
#> #   synonymProperties <list>, hierarchicalProperties <list>, baseUris <list>, …

get_ontology("cl") |>
#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 16
#> $ languages           <list> "en"
#> $ lang                <chr> "en"
#> $ ontologyId          <chr> "cl"
#> $ loaded              <chr> "2025-01-20T23:16:05.759253163"
#> $ updated             <chr> "2025-01-20T23:16:05.759253163"
#> $ status              <chr> "LOADED"
#> $ message             <chr> ""
#> $ version             <chr> "2025-01-07"
#> $ fileHash            <lgl> NA
#> $ loadAttempts        <int> 0
#> $ numberOfTerms       <int> 16637
#> $ numberOfProperties  <int> 394
#> $ numberOfIndividuals <int> 18
#> $ config              <list> "cl"
#> $ baseUris            <list> <NULL>
#> $ `_links`            <list> ["…

#> # A tibble: 138 × 13
#>    obo_id  label description iri   synonyms annotation   has_children short_form
#>    <chr>   <chr> <chr>       <chr> <list>   <list>       <lgl>        <chr>     
#>  1 GO:001… regu… Any proces… http… <NULL>   <named list> TRUE         GO_0010817
#>  2 GO:001… resp… Any proces… http… <list>   <named list> TRUE         GO_0019236
#>  3 GO:005… regu… Any proces… http… <NULL>   <named list> TRUE         GO_0050803
#>  4 GO:005… regu… Any proces… http… <NULL>   <named list> TRUE         GO_0050878
#>  5 GO:009… cell… Any proces… http… <NULL>   <named list> TRUE         GO_0097237
#>  6 IAO:00… info… NA          http… <NULL>   <NULL>       TRUE         IAO_00000…
#>  7 NCBITa… root  NA          http… <list>   <named list> TRUE         NCBITaxon…
#>  8 SO:000… SO_0… NA          http… <NULL>   <NULL>       TRUE         SO_0000704
#>  9 SO:000… sequ… NA          http… <NULL>   <NULL>       TRUE         SO_0001260
#> 10 UBERON… proc… An occurre… http… <NULL>   <named list> TRUE         UBERON_00…
#> # ℹ 128 more rows
#> # ℹ 5 more variables: in_subset <list>, obo_definition_citation <list>,
#> #   obo_xref <list>, obo_synonym <list>, `_links` <list>

terms <- get_terms("cl")
#> Querying OLS ■■                                 3% | ETA: 36s
#> Querying OLS ■■■                                6% | ETA: 34s
#> Querying OLS ■■■■■                             15% | ETA: 27s
#> Querying OLS ■■■■■■■■                          24% | ETA: 24s
#> Querying OLS ■■■■■■■■■■■■                      35% | ETA: 20s
#> Querying OLS ■■■■■■■■■■■■■                     41% | ETA: 19s
#> Querying OLS ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■                   47% | ETA: 19s
#> Querying OLS ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■                 53% | ETA: 17s
#> Querying OLS ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■              62% | ETA: 14s
#> Querying OLS ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■            71% | ETA: 11s
#> Querying OLS ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■          76% | ETA:  9s
#> Querying OLS ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■        82% | ETA:  7s
#> Querying OLS ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■      91% | ETA:  3s
#> Querying OLS ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■  100% | ETA:  0s
#> # A tibble: 2,861 × 13
#>    label  obo_id description iri   synonyms annotation   has_children short_form
#>    <chr>  <chr>  <chr>       <chr> <list>   <list>       <lgl>        <chr>     
#>  1 mesen… CL:40… Any mesenc… http… <list>   <named list> FALSE        CL_4040004
#>  2 mesen… CL:40… A mesenchy… http… <list>   <named list> FALSE        CL_4040005
#>  3 derma… CL:40… A chromato… http… <NULL>   <named list> FALSE        CL_4040006
#>  4 TAC3-… CL:40… A GABAergi… http… <list>   <named list> FALSE        CL_4042001
#>  5 TAC3-… CL:40… A nucleus … http… <list>   <named list> FALSE        CL_4042002
#>  6 borde… CL:40… A central … http… <list>   <named list> TRUE         CL_4042003
#>  7 choro… CL:40… A choroid … http… <list>   <named list> FALSE        CL_4042004
#>  8 strom… CL:40… A choroid … http… <list>   <named list> FALSE        CL_4042005
#>  9 dural… CL:40… A border a… http… <list>   <named list> FALSE        CL_4042006
#> 10 proto… CL:40… An astrocy… http… <NULL>   <named list> FALSE        CL_4042007
#> # ℹ 2,851 more rows
#> # ℹ 5 more variables: in_subset <list>, obo_definition_citation <list>,
#> #   obo_xref <list>, obo_synonym <list>, `_links` <list>

CL0002494 <- get_term("cl", "CL:0002494")
CL0002494 |>
#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 22
#> $ obo_id                  <chr> "CL:0002494"
#> $ label                   <chr> "cardiocyte"
#> $ description             <chr> "A cell located in the heart, including both m…
#> $ iri                     <chr> ""
#> $ lang                    <chr> "en"
#> $ synonyms                <list> ["heart cell"]
#> $ annotation              <list> [[""], ["…
#> $ ontology_name           <chr> "cl"
#> $ ontology_prefix         <chr> "CL"
#> $ ontology_iri            <chr> ""
#> $ is_obsolete             <lgl> FALSE
#> $ term_replaced_by        <lgl> NA
#> $ is_defining_ontology    <lgl> TRUE
#> $ has_children            <lgl> TRUE
#> $ is_root                 <lgl> FALSE
#> $ short_form              <chr> "CL_0002494"
#> $ in_subset               <list> ["human_subset", "mouse_subset"]
#> $ obo_definition_citation <list> [["A cell located in the heart, including both…
#> $ obo_xref                <list> [["BTO", "0001539", <NULL>, "http://purl.oboli…
#> $ obo_synonym             <lgl> NA
#> $ is_preferred_root       <lgl> FALSE
#> $ `_links`                <list> [["…

get_parents("cl", "CL:0002350")
#> # A tibble: 1 × 14
#>   obo_id     label  description iri   synonyms annotation   has_children is_root
#>   <chr>      <chr>  <chr>       <chr> <lgl>    <list>       <lgl>        <lgl>  
#> 1 CL:0010008 cardi… "Any endot… http… NA       <named list> TRUE         FALSE  
#> # ℹ 6 more variables: short_form <chr>, in_subset <list>,
#> #   obo_definition_citation <list>, obo_xref <list>, obo_synonym <lgl>,
#> #   `_links` <list>

get_ancestors("cl", "CL:0002494")
#> # A tibble: 2 × 14
#>   obo_id     label  description iri   synonyms annotation   has_children is_root
#>   <chr>      <chr>  <chr>       <chr> <list>   <list>       <lgl>        <lgl>  
#> 1 CL:0000255 eukar… Any cell t… http… <NULL>   <named list> TRUE         FALSE  
#> 2 CL:0000000 cell   A material… http… <NULL>   <named list> TRUE         FALSE  
#> # ℹ 6 more variables: short_form <chr>, in_subset <list>,
#> #   obo_definition_citation <list>, obo_xref <list>, obo_synonym <list>,
#> #   `_links` <list>
get_ancestors("cl", "CL:0002350")
#> # A tibble: 7 × 14
#>   obo_id     label  description iri   synonyms annotation   has_children is_root
#>   <chr>      <chr>  <chr>       <chr> <list>   <list>       <lgl>        <lgl>  
#> 1 CL:0010008 cardi… "Any endot… http… <NULL>   <named list> TRUE         FALSE  
#> 2 CL:0000115 endot… "An endoth… http… <list>   <named list> TRUE         FALSE  
#> 3 CL:0000213 linin… "A cell wi… http… <list>   <named list> TRUE         FALSE  
#> 4 CL:0000215 barri… "A cell wh… http… <NULL>   <named list> TRUE         FALSE  
#> 5 CL:0000000 cell   "A materia… http… <NULL>   <named list> TRUE         FALSE  
#> 6 CL:0000255 eukar… "Any cell … http… <NULL>   <named list> TRUE         FALSE  
#> 7 CL:0002494 cardi… "A cell lo… http… <list>   <named list> TRUE         FALSE  
#> # ℹ 6 more variables: short_form <chr>, in_subset <list>,
#> #   obo_definition_citation <list>, obo_xref <list>, obo_synonym <list>,
#> #   `_links` <list>

get_children("cl", "CL:0002494")
#> # A tibble: 12 × 14
#>    obo_id     label description iri   synonyms annotation   has_children is_root
#>    <chr>      <chr> <chr>       <chr> <list>   <list>       <lgl>        <lgl>  
#>  1 CL:2000022 card… "Any nativ… http… <NULL>   <named list> TRUE         FALSE  
#>  2 CL:1000309 epic… "An adipoc… http… <list>   <named list> TRUE         FALSE  
#>  3 CL:0011019 meso… "A mesothe… http… <NULL>   <named list> FALSE        FALSE  
#>  4 CL:1000147 card… "A cell th… http… <list>   <named list> TRUE         FALSE  
#>  5 CL:0010020 card… "Any glial… http… <NULL>   <NULL>       FALSE        FALSE  
#>  6 CL:0010008 card… "Any endot… http… <NULL>   <named list> TRUE         FALSE  
#>  7 CL:0010007 His-… "Any cell … http… <NULL>   <NULL>       TRUE         FALSE  
#>  8 CL:0002548 fibr… "A fibrobl… http… <list>   <named list> TRUE         FALSE  
#>  9 CL:0002592 smoo… "A smooth … http… <NULL>   <named list> FALSE        FALSE  
#> 10 CL:0000746 card… "Cardiac m… http… <list>   <named list> TRUE         FALSE  
#> 11 CL:0000513 card… "A precurs… http… <list>   <named list> FALSE        FALSE  
#> 12 CL:0008022 endo… "A mesench… http… <NULL>   <NULL>       FALSE        FALSE  
#> # ℹ 6 more variables: short_form <chr>, in_subset <list>,
#> #   obo_definition_citation <list>, obo_xref <list>, obo_synonym <list>,
#> #   `_links` <list>
get_children("cl", "CL:0002350")    # no children, 0 x 0 tibble
#> # A tibble: 0 × 0

get_descendants("cl", "CL:0002494")
#> # A tibble: 68 × 14
#>    obo_id     label description iri   synonyms annotation   has_children is_root
#>    <chr>      <chr> <chr>       <chr> <list>   <list>       <lgl>        <lgl>  
#>  1 CL:0008022 endo… "A mesench… http… <NULL>   <NULL>       FALSE        FALSE  
#>  2 CL:0000513 card… "A precurs… http… <list>   <named list> FALSE        FALSE  
#>  3 CL:0000746 card… "Cardiac m… http… <list>   <named list> TRUE         FALSE  
#>  4 CL:0000193 card… "A striate… http… <NULL>   <NULL>       FALSE        FALSE  
#>  5 CL:0002086 spec… "A cardiac… http… <NULL>   <named list> TRUE         FALSE  
#>  6 CL:0002068 Purk… "Specializ… http… <list>   <named list> TRUE         FALSE  
#>  7 CL:1000376 Purk… "A Purkinj… http… <NULL>   <named list> FALSE        FALSE  
#>  8 CL:1000479 Purk… "A Purkinj… http… <NULL>   <named list> FALSE        FALSE  
#>  9 CL:1000483 Purk… "A Purkinj… http… <NULL>   <named list> FALSE        FALSE  
#> 10 CL:1000484 Purk… "A Purkinj… http… <NULL>   <named list> FALSE        FALSE  
#> # ℹ 58 more rows
#> # ℹ 6 more variables: short_form <chr>, in_subset <list>,
#> #   obo_definition_citation <list>, obo_xref <list>, obo_synonym <list>,
#> #   `_links` <list>
get_descendants("cl", "CL:0002350") # no descedants, 0 x 0 tibble
#> # A tibble: 0 × 0