

This course was suggested and enabled by Adam Kisailus and Richard Hershberger. It is available for Roswell Park graduate students.


The word ‘quarantine’ is from the 1660’s and refers to the fourty days (Italian quaranta giorni) a ship suspected of carrying disease was kept in isolation.

What to do in a quarantine? The astronaut Scott Kelly spent nearly a year on the International Space Station. In a New York Times opinion piece he says, among other things, that ‘you need a hobby’, and what better hobby than a useful one? Let’s take the opportunity provided by COVID-19 to learn R for statistical analysis and comprehension of data. Who knows, it may be useful after all this is over!

What to expect

We’ll meet via zoom twice a week, Mondays and Fridays, for one hour. We’ll use this time to make sure everyone is making progress, and to introduce new or more difficult topics. Other days we’ll have short exercises and activities that hopefully provide an opportunity to learn at your own speed.

We haven’t thought this through much, but roughly we might cover:

  1. Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center,

  2. Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center