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j_flatten() transforms a JSON document into a list where names are JSONpointer 'paths' and elements are the corresponding 'values' from the JSON document.

j_find_values() finds paths to exactly matching values.

j_find_values_grep() finds paths to values matching a regular expression.

j_find_keys() finds paths to exactly matching keys.

j_find_keys_grep() finds paths to keys matching a regular expression.

For NDJSON documents, the result is either a character vector (for as = "string") or list of R objects, one element for each NDJSON record.


  object_names = "asis",
  as = "string",
  n_records = Inf,
  verbose = FALSE,
  data_type = j_data_type(data),
  path_type = "JSONpointer"

  object_names = "asis",
  as = "R",
  n_records = Inf,
  verbose = FALSE,
  data_type = j_data_type(data),
  path_type = "JSONpointer"

  object_names = "asis",
  as = "R",
  grep_args = list(),
  n_records = Inf,
  verbose = FALSE,
  data_type = j_data_type(data),
  path_type = "JSONpointer"

  object_names = "asis",
  as = "R",
  n_records = Inf,
  verbose = FALSE,
  data_type = j_data_type(data),
  path_type = "JSONpointer"

  object_names = "asis",
  as = "R",
  grep_args = list(),
  n_records = Inf,
  verbose = FALSE,
  data_type = j_data_type(data),
  path_type = "JSONpointer"



a character() JSON string or NDJSON records, or the name of a file or URL containing JSON or NDJSON, or an R object parsed to a JSON string using jsonlite::toJSON().


character(1) order data object elements "asis" (default) or "sort" before filtering on path.


character(1) describing the return type. For j_flatten(), either "string" or "R". For other functions on this page, one of "R", "data.frame", or "tibble".


passed to jsonlite::toJSON when data is an R object.


numeric(1) maximum number of NDJSON records parsed.


logical(1) report progress when parsing large NDJSON files.


character(1) type of data; one of "json", "ndjson", or a value returned by j_data_type().


character(1) type of 'path' to be returned; one of '"JSONpointer"', '"JSONpath"'; '"JMESpath"' is not supported.


vector of one or more values to be matched exactly to values in the JSON document.


character(1) regular expression to match values or paths.


list() additional arguments passed to grepl() when searching on values or paths.


character() vector of one or more keys to be matched exactly to path elements.


j_flatten(as = "string") (default) returns a JSON string representation of the flattened document, i.e., an object with keys the JSONpointer paths and values the value at the corresponding path in the original document.

j_flatten(as = "R") returns a named list, where names() are the JSONpointer paths to each element in the JSON document and list elements are the corresponding values.

j_find_values() and j_find_values_grep() return a list with names as JSONpointer paths and list elements the matching values, or a data.frame or tibble with columns path and value. Values are coerced to a common type when as is data.frame or tibble.

j_find_keys() and j_find_keys_grep() returns a list, data.frame, or tibble similar to j_find_values() and j_find_values_grep().

For NDJSON documents, the result is a vector paralleling the NDJSON document, with j_flatten() applied to each element of the NDJSON document.


Functions documented on this page expand data into all path / value pairs. This is not suitable for very large JSON documents.

For j_find_keys(), the key must exactly match one or more consecutive keys in the JSONpointer path returned by j_flatten().

For j_find_keys_grep(), the key can define a pattern that spans across JSONpointer or JSONpath elements.


json <- '{
    "discards": {
        "1000": "Record does not exist",
        "1004": "Queue limit exceeded",
        "1010": "Discarding timed-out partial msg"
    "warnings": {
        "0": "Phone number missing country code",
        "1": "State code missing",
        "2": "Zip code missing"

## JSONpointer
j_flatten(json) |>
#> {"/discards/1000":"Record does not exist","/discards/1004":"Queue limit exceeded","/discards/1010":"Discarding timed-out partial msg","/warnings/0":"Phone number missing country code","/warnings/1":"State code missing","/warnings/2":"Zip code missing"} 

## JSONpath
j_flatten(json, as = "R", path_type = "JSONpath") |>
#> List of 6
#>  $ $['discards']['1000']: chr "Record does not exist"
#>  $ $['discards']['1004']: chr "Queue limit exceeded"
#>  $ $['discards']['1010']: chr "Discarding timed-out partial msg"
#>  $ $['warnings']['0']   : chr "Phone number missing country code"
#>  $ $['warnings']['1']   : chr "State code missing"
#>  $ $['warnings']['2']   : chr "Zip code missing"

j_find_values(json, "Zip code missing", as = "tibble")
#> # A tibble: 1 × 2
#>   path        value           
#>   <chr>       <chr>           
#> 1 /warnings/2 Zip code missing
    c("Queue limit exceeded", "Zip code missing"),
    as = "tibble"
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
#>   path           value               
#>   <chr>          <chr>               
#> 1 /discards/1004 Queue limit exceeded
#> 2 /warnings/2    Zip code missing    

j_find_values_grep(json, "missing", as = "tibble")
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#>   path        value                            
#>   <chr>       <chr>                            
#> 1 /warnings/0 Phone number missing country code
#> 2 /warnings/1 State code missing               
#> 3 /warnings/2 Zip code missing                 

## JSONpath
j_find_values_grep(json, "missing", as = "tibble", path_type = "JSONpath")
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#>   path               value                            
#>   <chr>              <chr>                            
#> 1 $['warnings']['0'] Phone number missing country code
#> 2 $['warnings']['1'] State code missing               
#> 3 $['warnings']['2'] Zip code missing                 

j_find_keys(json, "discards", as = "tibble")
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#>   path           value                           
#>   <chr>          <chr>                           
#> 1 /discards/1000 Record does not exist           
#> 2 /discards/1004 Queue limit exceeded            
#> 3 /discards/1010 Discarding timed-out partial msg
j_find_keys(json, "1", as = "tibble")
#> # A tibble: 1 × 2
#>   path        value             
#>   <chr>       <chr>             
#> 1 /warnings/1 State code missing
j_find_keys(json, c("discards", "warnings"), as = "tibble")
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#>   path           value                            
#>   <chr>          <chr>                            
#> 1 /discards/1000 Record does not exist            
#> 2 /discards/1004 Queue limit exceeded             
#> 3 /discards/1010 Discarding timed-out partial msg 
#> 4 /warnings/0    Phone number missing country code
#> 5 /warnings/1    State code missing               
#> 6 /warnings/2    Zip code missing                 

## JSONpath
j_find_keys(json, "discards", as = "tibble", path_type = "JSONpath")
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#>   path                  value                           
#>   <chr>                 <chr>                           
#> 1 $['discards']['1000'] Record does not exist           
#> 2 $['discards']['1004'] Queue limit exceeded            
#> 3 $['discards']['1010'] Discarding timed-out partial msg

j_find_keys_grep(json, "discard", as = "tibble")
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#>   path           value                           
#>   <chr>          <chr>                           
#> 1 /discards/1000 Record does not exist           
#> 2 /discards/1004 Queue limit exceeded            
#> 3 /discards/1010 Discarding timed-out partial msg
j_find_keys_grep(json, "1", as = "tibble")
#> # A tibble: 4 × 2
#>   path           value                           
#>   <chr>          <chr>                           
#> 1 /discards/1000 Record does not exist           
#> 2 /discards/1004 Queue limit exceeded            
#> 3 /discards/1010 Discarding timed-out partial msg
#> 4 /warnings/1    State code missing              
j_find_keys_grep(json, "car.*/101", as = "tibble")
#> # A tibble: 1 × 2
#>   path           value                           
#>   <chr>          <chr>                           
#> 1 /discards/1010 Discarding timed-out partial msg

## JSONpath
j_find_keys_grep(json, "car.*\\['101", as = "tibble", path_type = "JSONpath")
#> # A tibble: 1 × 2
#>   path                  value                           
#>   <chr>                 <chr>                           
#> 1 $['discards']['1010'] Discarding timed-out partial msg


ndjson_file <-
    system.file(package = "rjsoncons", "extdata", "example.ndjson")
j_flatten(ndjson_file) |>
#> [1] {"/name":"Seattle","/state":"WA"}  {"/name":"New York","/state":"NY"}
#> [3] {"/name":"Bellevue","/state":"WA"} {"/name":"Olympia","/state":"WA"} 
j_find_values_grep(ndjson_file, "e") |>
#> List of 4
#>  $ :List of 1
#>   ..$ /name: chr "Seattle"
#>  $ :List of 1
#>   ..$ /name: chr "New York"
#>  $ :List of 1
#>   ..$ /name: chr "Bellevue"
#>  $ : Named list()