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collections() returns collections available to the user.

my_collections() is a convenience function to identify collections belonging to the current user.

globus_ls() lists the content of a collection.

mkdir() creates a directory in a collection.


  filter_fulltext = "",
  filter_scope = "all",
  all_fields = FALSE

my_collections(filter_fulltext = "", ...)

  path = "",
  show_hidden = FALSE,
  filters = character(),
  all_fields = FALSE

mkdir(.data, path)



character() filter applied to fields associated with collections, including display name, description, user, etc. filter_fulltext is required when filter_scope = "all".


character(1) scope of search, e.g., "all" or "my-endpoints". See details.


additional, less-common parameters influencing search. See details.


logical(1) indicating whether abbreviated or full listing should be returned.


a tibble with a single row, containing a column id identifying the collection, as returned by collections() or my_collections().


character(1) location in the collection for listing or directory creation.


logical(1) controls inclusion of 'hidden' (starting with '.') files in the return value of globus_ls().


character() of filter terms. See details.


collections() and my_collections() return a tibble containing columns display_name and (collection / endpoint) id. Additional fields returned when all_fields = TRUE are described at

globus_ls() returns a tibble with the name, last modified, size, and type (directory or file) of each entry. Additional fields are returned when all_fields = TRUE, as described in

mkdir() returns a tibble of the directory listing of the enclosing directory.


filter_fulltext follows rules defined at

Approximately, each word is treated as a separate term and matched to the prefix of search fields. Thus "Public HuBMAP" matches collection mentioning both "Public" AND "HuBMAP", appearing in any order, e.g., "HuBMAP Public", "HuBMAP Dev Public", etc.

filter_scope can take on values described in

... arguments to collections() and my_collections() are described in

'offset' and 'limit' are used internally.

When used with 'Globus Connect Personal' (used to enable transfer to and from a local computer), path is either the full path on the user system (starting with /, e.g., /Users/mtmorgan/HuBMAP) or relative to the user home directory (starting without a /, e.g., '~/HuBMAP').

filters for globus_ls() are described at

Elements of filters are treated as 'OR' operations, thus filters = "name:~*.csv/size:<200" finds csv files smaller than 200 bytes, whereas filters = #' c("name:~*.csv", "size:<200") finds csv files of any size, or any file smaller than 200 bytes.

mkdir() creates directory elements recursively.


## collections

collections <- collections("HuBMAP Public")  # 'AND' words or elements
#> # A tibble: 4 × 2
#>   display_name        id                                  
#>   <chr>               <chr>                               
#> 1 HuBMAP Public       af603d86-eab9-4eec-bb1d-9d26556741bb
#> 2 HuBMAP Dev Public   2b82f085-1d50-4c93-897e-cd79d77481ed
#> 3 HuBMAP Stage Public 4b383482-8c5c-48fb-8b80-a450338ca383
#> 4 HuBMAP Test Public  1e12c423-dd17-4095-a9f8-12555ee83345

hubmap <-
    collections |>
    dplyr::filter(display_name == "HuBMAP Public")

my_collection <- my_collections()
#> # A tibble: 1 × 2
#>   display_name    id                                  
#>   <chr>           <chr>                               
#> 1 Martin's HuBMAP 714ce2c4-3268-11ef-9629-453c3ae125a5

## Directories and files

globus_ls(hubmap)    # same as `hubmap |> globus_ls()`
#> # A tibble: 2,308 × 4
#>    name                             last_modified              size type 
#>    <chr>                            <chr>                     <int> <chr>
#>  1 0008a49ac06f4afd886be81491a5a926 2024-07-26 13:35:21+00:00  4096 dir  
#>  2 0027cb59bcb4a34d5db83acaf934a9d9 2024-07-26 13:19:12+00:00  4096 dir  
#>  3 002e9747855eef1e69452b39713a7592 2024-08-13 19:04:13+00:00  4096 dir  
#>  4 00318be0b7cfa3c6ed7fbeab08fe700b 2024-07-26 12:58:42+00:00  4096 dir  
#>  5 004d4f157df4ba07356cd805131dfc04 2024-08-13 19:21:04+00:00  4096 dir  
#>  6 0066713ca95c03c52cb40f90ce8bbdb8 2024-04-17 23:24:41+00:00  4096 dir  
#>  7 007ae59344e7df0e398204ee40155cb0 2024-04-17 23:18:56+00:00  4096 dir  
#>  8 007f3dfaaa287d5c7c227651f61a9c5b 2024-07-26 14:46:55+00:00  4096 dir  
#>  9 00cc71c7e1cddac60e794044079faeee 2024-07-26 14:17:08+00:00  4096 dir  
#> 10 00d1a3623dac388773bc7780fcb42797 2024-04-17 23:02:27+00:00  4096 dir  
#> # ℹ 2,298 more rows

## hierarchical traversal
hubmap |>
#> # A tibble: 84 × 4
#>    name                                               last_modified   size type 
#>    <chr>                                              <chr>          <int> <chr>
#>  1 out.hdf5                                           2021-11-21 0… 4.46e8 file 
#>  2 reg1_stitched_expressions.ome.tiff-Cluster_Shape.… 2021-11-21 0… 6.58e6 file 
#>  3 reg1_stitched_expressions.ome.tiff-SNR.csv         2021-11-21 0… 4.85e2 file 
#>  4 reg1_stitched_expressions.ome.tiff-SPRM_Image_Qua… 2021-11-21 0… 5.72e3 file 
#>  5 reg1_stitched_expressions.ome.tiff-Superpixels.png 2021-11-21 0… 6.01e6 file 
#>  6 reg1_stitched_expressions.ome.tiff-Top3ChannelPCA… 2021-11-21 0… 5.29e7 file 
#>  7 reg1_stitched_expressions.ome.tiff-cell_1_texture… 2021-11-21 0… 2.10e7 file 
#>  8 reg1_stitched_expressions.ome.tiff-cell_boundarie… 2021-11-21 0… 1.38e8 file 
#>  9 reg1_stitched_expressions.ome.tiff-cell_boundarie… 2021-11-21 0… 1.30e7 file 
#> 10 reg1_stitched_expressions.ome.tiff-cell_boundarie… 2021-11-21 0… 4.62e6 file 
#> # ℹ 74 more rows

## filter files with name ending in 'csv', and with size < 200
hubmap |>
        filters = "name:~*.csv/size:<200"
#> # A tibble: 7 × 4
#>   name                                                 last_modified  size type 
#>   <chr>                                                <chr>         <int> <chr>
#> 1 reg1_stitched_expressions.ome.tiff-clustercell_boun… 2021-11-21 0…   196 file 
#> 2 reg1_stitched_expressions.ome.tiff-clustercell_mean… 2021-11-21 0…   197 file 
#> 3 reg1_stitched_expressions.ome.tiff-clustercell_tSNE… 2021-11-21 0…   110 file 
#> 4 reg1_stitched_expressions.ome.tiff-clustercell_text… 2021-11-21 0…    36 file 
#> 5 reg1_stitched_expressions.ome.tiff-clustercell_tota… 2021-11-21 0…   196 file 
#> 6 reg1_stitched_expressions.ome.tiff-clusternuclei_to… 2021-11-21 0…   190 file 
#> 7 reg1_stitched_expressions.ome.tiff-clusternucleus_b… 2021-11-21 0…   193 file 

## filter files ending in 'json', or with size > 100000000
hubmap |>
        filters = c("name:~*.json", "size:>100000000")
#> # A tibble: 8 × 4
#>   name                                                last_modified   size type 
#>   <chr>                                               <chr>          <int> <chr>
#> 1 out.hdf5                                            2021-11-21 0… 4.46e8 file 
#> 2 reg1_stitched_expressions.ome.tiff-SPRM_Image_Qual… 2021-11-21 0… 5.72e3 file 
#> 3 reg1_stitched_expressions.ome.tiff-cell_boundaries… 2021-11-21 0… 1.38e8 file 
#> 4 reg1_stitched_expressions.ome.tiff-cell_channel_co… 2021-11-21 0… 1.45e8 file 
#> 5 reg1_stitched_expressions.ome.tiff-cell_polygons_s… 2021-11-21 0… 1.30e8 file 
#> 6 reg1_stitched_expressions.ome.tiff-cell_shape.csv   2021-11-21 0… 1.55e8 file 
#> 7 reg1_stitched_expressions.ome.tiff-nuclei_channel_… 2021-11-21 0… 1.14e8 file 
#> 8 reg1_stitched_expressions.ome.tiff-nucleus_boundar… 2021-11-21 0… 1.09e8 file 

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
mkdir(my_collection, "tmp/HuBMAP/test")
} # }