Original publication: 14 December, 2023


The ‘rjsoncons’ CRAN package wraps the jsoncons C++ library for querying and manipulating JSON objects. The package implements jmsepath(), jsonpath() and jsonpointer()to the user. The package implements an internal parser from JSON to R. The package exposes the header-only jsoncons library, so other developers can leverage this library to expose additional functionality in R. I used development of this package as an opportunity to the ‘cpp11’ R package interface to C++.

Version 1.1.0 updated the jsoncons library.

The current ‘devel’ version:

  • Implements j_query() to auto-detect query syntax (JSONpointer, JSONpath, JMESpath).
  • Implement j_pivot() to pivot a JSON array-of-objects to R-friendly object-of-arrays, with optional import as a data.frame or tibble. This was named jsonpivot() in an earlier development version.
  • Implements jsonpointer() for extracting elements using JSON Pointer.
  • Updates the jsoncons library to 0.173.2 to avoid dependency on C++ 14.