A DuckDB blog post on ‘Shredding Deeply Nested JSON, One Vector at a Time’ shows some pretty amazing JSON parsing abilities, including the ‘GitHub Archive Examples’. It inspired exploration of NDJSON in rjsoncons, a first iteration of which is available as version


Since NDJSON files can be large, one wants to iterate through these in chunks. So in addition to NDJSON parsign, the package gains the ability to read from connections (files or URLs). Support includes both j_query() and j_pivot(). The path argument refers to selection in individual records. So one might query a single record

ndjson_file <- "data/gharchive_gz/2023-02-08-0.json.gz"
j_query(ndjson_file, n_records = 1) |> 

Extract relevant infromation into a tibble

result <- j_pivot(
    "{id: id, type: type}",   # path on individual records
    as = "tibble",            # output format
    verbose = TRUE            # progress bar

The result is a tibble that can be easily manipulated using dplyr.

> result
# A tibble: 172,049 × 2
   id          type
   <chr>       <chr>
 1 26939254345 DeleteEvent
 2 26939254358 PushEvent
 3 26939254361 CreateEvent
 4 26939254365 CreateEvent
 5 26939254366 PushEvent
 6 26939254367 PushEvent
 7 26939254379 PushEvent
 8 26939254380 IssuesEvent
 9 26939254382 PushEvent
10 26939254383 PushEvent
# ℹ 172,039 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

Current performance is about 10x slower than DuckDB, but that is for subsequent iterations.

Some commentary


I had hoped to use R’s connection interface at the C level, to avoid realization of R data structures, but the public interface is just too limited.

I also explored implementing input using C++ iostreams, but wanted support for compression. There seems to be a relatively old but functional and light-weight gzstream library. But this approach actually didn’t seem particularly performant (maybe there is a buffer size that is too small?) and would not be as flexible as R-level connections (e.g., handling https://).

At the R level, I currently chunk through connections using readLines(). It is much faster to readBin(), avoiding the cost of creating R character vectors. One idea is to read raw vectors at the R level, then pass to C++ for conversion to std::string and jsoncons processing.

External pointers

For chunk processing it makes sense to have C++ data structures that persist across calls from R, so I created a C++ class r_json and used cpp11’s templated external_pointer<> class to return this to R. r_json is templated

template<class Json>
{ ... }

so actually the cpp11 data structure is either external_pointer< r_json<json> > or external_pointer< rjson<ojson> >. This leads to the unfortunate situation where calls from R with the external pointer also require the class, tempclass specification, and a switch() for dispatch

template<class Json>
sexp do_something_impl(sexp extp)
    external_pointer< r_json<Json> > extp(ext);

sexp do_something(sexp ext, String template_class)
    switch(template_class) {
    case 'json': return do_something_impl<json>(ext);
    case 'ojson': return do_something_impl<ojson>(ext);

or similar. It is unfortunate that the template class information can not be more tightly coupled with the external pointer, and that dispatch is being re-invented with a switch statement. Maybe I am not clever enough with C++…