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These data objects correspond to steps in a typical work flow, as described in the vignette to this package. fit corresponds to dmn fits to different values of k. bestgroup is the result of the two-group generative classifier. xval summarizes leave-one-out cross validation of the classifier.




fit is a list of seven DMN objects.

bestgrp is a DMNGroup object.

xval is a data.frame with columns corresponding to the cross-validation group membership and the Lean and Obese posterior probabilities.


data(fit); fit[1:2]
#> [[1]]
#> class: DMN 
#> k: 1 
#> samples x taxa: 278 x 130 
#> Laplace: 39227.36 BIC: 39527.91 AIC: 39292.11 
#> [[2]]
#> class: DMN 
#> k: 2 
#> samples x taxa: 278 x 130 
#> Laplace: 38872.68 BIC: 39588.93 AIC: 39115.53 
plot(sapply(fit, laplace), type="b")

data(bestgrp); bestgrp
#> class: DMNGroup 
#> summary:
#>       k samples taxa       NLE   LogDet   Laplace       BIC       AIC
#> Lean  1      61  130  9065.657 162.3513  9027.371  9332.864  9195.657
#> Obese 3     193  130 26769.931 407.4130 26613.414 27801.418 27161.931
data(xval); head(xval, 3)
#>         group         Lean     Obese
#> TS119.2     1 0.0001132595 0.9998867
#> TS5         2 0.0047642534 0.9952357
#> TS72        3 0.6170744622 0.3829255