Week 4 Machine learning

This week you will learn about machine learning for classification using R. Objectives are:

  • To provide an overview of the underlying concepts of machine learning for classification.

  • To provide an introduction to some popular classification algorithms.

  • To explore these classification algorithms using various packages in R.

  • To apply various classification algorithms to the statewide COVID-19 dataset.

4.1 Day 22 (Monday) Zoom check-in

Here is an overview of what we’ll cover in today’s Zoom session:

  • Overview of the COVID-19 Machine Learning Dataset (10 minutes)

  • Overview of Machine Learning for Classification (20 minutes)

  • Introduction to the Random Forest algorithm (5 minutes)

  • A Random Forest Example in R using COVID-19 Data (25 minutes)

4.1.1 A COVID-19 Dataset for Machine Learning

We’d like to predict the severity of COVID-19 in a given state using statewide feature data like population, urban density, number of hospital beds, date of stay at home order, etc. We’ve already seen that we can get the information about cases and deaths from the New York Times github page. However, gathering corresponding statewide feature data requires quite a bit of hunting through various public websites. Consequently, we’re going to skip over the painstaking process of marshalling the feature data and just provide you with a dataset that is already nice and prepped for machine learning.

You’ll work with two .csv files - a data file that contains a veriety of statewide data, and a metadata file that describes the various columns of the data file. This combination of data and metadata files is a common way of sharing datasets.

To give you an idea of what was involved in assembling the data and metadata file, a summary of the data collection and processing steps is given below:

Click on the links above to download the data and metadata files that you’ll need for the machine learning examples presented throughout the week.

4.1.2 A Machine Learning Primer

Machine Learning (ML) may be defined as using computers to make inferences about data.

  • A mapping of inputs to outputs, Y = f(X , \(\beta\))

ML for Classification refers to algorithms that map inputs to a discrete set of outputs (i.e. classes or categories)

  • For example, predicting health risk (mild, moderate, severe) based on patient data (height [m], weight [kg], age [years], smoker [yes/no], etc.)

  • Or predicting pandemic severity index (PSI) of COVID-19 in a state based on statewide population data.

##  PSI Death.Rate    Example     
##  1   < 0.1%        seasonal flu
##  2   0.1% - 0.5%   Asian flu   
##  3   0.5% - 1.0%   n/a         
##  4   1.0% - 2.0%   n/a         
##  5   > 2.0%        Spanish flu
  • Predictions are typically expressed as a vector of probabilities.

    • e.g. Pr(cancerous) vs. Pr(benign)

    • e.g. Pr(PSI=1), Pr(PSI=2), …, Pr(PSI=5)

A “Black Box” View of Machine Learning

The diagram below illustrates the machine learning concept in terms of a “black box” model that converts inputs into predictions.

A “Black Box” Example

The diagram below illustrates a more concrete machine learning model that converts height, weight, and age into a prediction of whether or not the individual is male or female.

Some Important Machine Learning Terms

The above example highlights some important machine learning terminology:

  • Features (X): Features are the inputs to the model. They are also known as descriptive attributes or explanatory variables. In terms of R, a single set of features corresponds to a tuple or row of data and a complete set of feature data maps nicely to a data frame or tibble.

  • Parameters (\(\beta\)): Parameters are internal variables of the selected machine learning algorithm. They are also known as coefficients or training weights. These internal parameters need to be adjusted to minimize the deviation between predictions and observations. The machine learning algorithms and pacakages that we’ll be using in R take care of this minimization process for us.

  • Labels (Y): Labels are the outputs of the algorithm, corresponding to the categories you are attempting to predict.

  • Training Data: Training data is a data set containing paired observations of inputs (i.e features) and outputs (i.e. labels). Training data is also known as measurement data, observation data or calibration data.

  • Training: Training is the process of adjusting internal algorithm paramters (\(\beta\)) to obtain the best possible match between training data and corresponding model predictions. Training is also known as model calibration or parameter estimation.

An example set of training data that could be used in the gender prediction example is given below. The frist three columns contain feature data and the last column contains label data. We could use this data to train a model to predict a person’s gender based on their height, weight and age.

##  height_m weight_kg age_y gender
##  1.69      62       30    male  
##  1.74      76       27    female
##  1.92      82       25    male  
##  1.80     100       41    male  
##  1.59      47       24    female
##  1.85      75       26    male  
##  1.75      63       33    female
##  1.96      83       33    male  
##  1.85      39       32    male  
##  1.78      58       28    female
##  1.74      70       30    female
##  1.81      57       26    female
##  1.73      78       32    male
  • Test Data: Like training data, test data is a data set containing paired observations of inputs (i.e features) and outputs (i.e. labels). However, test data is deliberately not included in the training process. Performance measures computed using test data help to quantify the expected performance of the model if/when it is applied to unlabeled data.

Upon completion of training, it is important to evaluate the quality of the model and its skill or ability at making correct predictions. Some terms related to this evaluation process are defined below:

  • Classification Accuracy: Classification accuracy is the ratio of correct predictions to the total predictions. Classification accuracy can be computed using the training data set or using the test data set.

  • Confusion Matrix: The confusion matrix is a more detailed summary (relative to classification accuracy) of the performance of a classification algorithm. The diagonals of the confusion matrix count how often the algorithm yields the correct classification for each class. The off-diagonal entries count how often the algorithm confuses one class with another.

The figure below illustrates the classification accuracy and confusion matrix for an example that attempts to classify images of fruits.

The Machine Learning Process

Now that we’ve defined some of the important machine learning terminology let’s take a 30,000 foot view at the overall machine learning process. This is a general description of the process that you can follow each time you build and use a machine learning model. The process is illustrated in the figure below (with credit to Jinesh Maloo):

  • Step 1: Prepare labeled data for training and validation.

  • Step 2: Select a machine learning algorithm (i.e. model).

  • Step 3: Train the model.

  • Step 4: Evaluate model performance.

  • If model is useful:

    • Step 5: Apply to unlabled data.
  • Else (needs improvement):

    • Collect more data (go back to Step 1).

    • Revise model (go back to Step 2)

4.1.3 The Random Forest Algorithm

The random forest algorithm is a popular choice for machine learning.

  • Over 20 R packages have an implementation of some form of the algorithm.

  • We’ll be using the randomForest pacakge.

  • The algorithm is like bagging (boostrap aggregating) regression trees, but the rgression trees are de-correlated.

The figure below illustrates one possible tree in a random forest for a gender prediction model. In computer science terminology, each split in the figure is a branch of a graph tree. In simple terms, the split points are randomly generated and the resulting trees combine to form a random forest.

The figure below illustrates a set of 6 trees that make up a random forest for predicting housing prices. The image is courtesy Bradley Boehmke at the University of Cincinnati. Examine the figure closely and notice that:

  • The split variables can differ across trees (not all variables are included in all trees).

  • The split variables can differ within trees (not all paths consider the same set of variables).

  • The order of splits can differ.

  • The split values can differ.

The job of the random forest algorithm is to determine the optimal set of trees for your data set, including the splitting configuration of each tree (i.e. order, values, etc.).

Now you have a basic understanding of machine learning and the random forest algorithm. You’re probably excited to get going with applying the algorithm! But first, we need to have a data set to work with. In the next section you’ll learn about a data set that can be used for predicting the severity of COVID-19 in a state.

4.1.4 A Random Forest Example Using COVID-19 Data

Let’s apply the random forest algorithm to the COVID-19 dataset. We’ll build out the required R code in sections. To get started, open a new R script in RStudio and name it covid_19_rf.R. Enter the code below, but omit lines that begin with a double-hash (##) because these are the expected output:

# Part 1 - load the data
## randomForest 4.6-14
## Type rfNews() to see new features/changes/bug fixes.
## Attaching package: 'randomForest'
## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     combine

data_file <- file.path("assets", "statewide_covid_19_data_04_27_2020.csv")
df <- read_csv(data_file)
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   .default = col_double(),
##   State = col_character(),
##   X31 = col_character(),
##   X32 = col_character()
## )
## See spec(...) for full column specifications.
# coerce severity to a factor (so RF algorithm uses classification)
df <-
    df %>%
    mutate(Y04 = as.factor(df$Y04))

metadata_file <- file.path("assets", "statewide_covid_19_metadata_04_27_2020.csv")
mdf <- read_csv(metadata_file)
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   ID = col_double(),
##   Code = col_character(),
##   Variable = col_character(),
##   Description = col_character()
## )
## # A tibble: 36 x 4
##       ID Code  Variable             Description                      
##    <dbl> <chr> <chr>                <chr>                            
##  1     1 X01   Pct_Sun              Percent sunny days               
##  2     2 X02   Total_Hours_Sun      Total hours of sun               
##  3     3 X03   Num_Clear_Days       Number of clear days             
##  4     4 X04   Avg_RH               Average relative himidity        
##  5     5 X05   Avg_Dew_Point        Average dew point                
##  6     6 X06   Total_Population     Total population                 
##  7     7 X07   Senior_Pop_Thousands Population 65+ years in thousands
##  8     8 X08   Senior_Pop_Pct       Percentage of population 65+ year
##  9     9 X09   per_capita_income    per capita income                
## 10    10 X10   Unemployment_Rate    Percent unemployment             
## # … with 26 more rows

Try to run the code. You may get an error about missing the randomForest package. You can install it from the RStudio console (see below) or using the installer in the RStudio packages pane.

Now we’ve loaded the data and metadata file. Let’s pick a subset of 5 of the features and use them to try and predict the pandemic severity index (i.e. Y04). Add the Part 2 code below to your RScript but omit lines that begin with a double-hash (##) :

# Part 2 - select features and label

# describe all possible features and labels
print(mdf, n = nrow(mdf))
## # A tibble: 36 x 4
##       ID Code  Variable           Description                                   
##    <dbl> <chr> <chr>              <chr>                                         
##  1     1 X01   Pct_Sun            Percent sunny days                            
##  2     2 X02   Total_Hours_Sun    Total hours of sun                            
##  3     3 X03   Num_Clear_Days     Number of clear days                          
##  4     4 X04   Avg_RH             Average relative himidity                     
##  5     5 X05   Avg_Dew_Point      Average dew point                             
##  6     6 X06   Total_Population   Total population                              
##  7     7 X07   Senior_Pop_Thousa… Population 65+ years in thousands             
##  8     8 X08   Senior_Pop_Pct     Percentage of population 65+ year             
##  9     9 X09   per_capita_income  per capita income                             
## 10    10 X10   Unemployment_Rate  Percent unemployment                          
## 11    11 X11   Uninsured_Rate_Ch… Percent uninsured children                    
## 12    12 X12   Uninsured_Rate_Ad… Percent uninsured adults                      
## 13    13 X13   Heart_Disease_Rate Deaths per 100000  due to heart disease       
## 14    14 X14   Heart_Disease_Dea… Total deaths due to heart disease             
## 15    15 X15   Tobacco_Use_Rate   Percentage of tobacco users                   
## 16    16 X16   Obesity_Prevalenc… Percentage of population this is considered o…
## 17    17 X17   Num_Hospitals      Number of hospitals                           
## 18    18 X18   Num_Hosp_Staffed_… Number of hospital beds                       
## 19    19 X19   Total_Hosp_Discha… Total number of hospital discharges           
## 20    20 X20   Hosp_Patient_Days  Total number of patient days in hospital      
## 21    21 X21   Hosp_Gross_Patien… Total hospital gross patient revenue          
## 22    22 X22   Number_of_Farms    Total number of farms                         
## 23    23 X23   Urban_Population_… Percentage of population living in urban areas
## 24    24 X24   Urban_Population   Total urban population                        
## 25    25 X25   Urban_Land_Area_S… Amount of urban land area in square miles     
## 26    26 X26   Urban_Density_Sq_… Urban density in persons per square mile      
## 27    27 X27   Urban_Land_Pct     Percentage of land use classified as urban    
## 28    28 X28   Pct_Republican     Percentage of population registered republican
## 29    29 X29   Pct_Independent    Percentage of population not affiliated with …
## 30    30 X30   Pct_Democrat       Percentage of population registered democrat  
## 31    31 X31   Stay_at_Home_Star… Date stay at home order issued                
## 32    32 X32   Stay_at_Home_End_… Date stay at home order scheduled to be lifted
## 33     1 Y01   cases              total number of covid-19 cases                
## 34     2 Y02   deaths             total number of covid-19 deaths               
## 35     3 Y03   death_rate         death rate as a percentage                    
## 36     4 Y04   severity_index     severity index based on death_rate: ## 1 = < …

# select some features and the severity index label
my_x <- c("X01","X10","X12","X13","X23")
my_y <- "Y04"
my_xy <- c(my_x, my_y)

# get descriptions of the selected features and label
mdf %>% filter(Code %in% my_xy)
## # A tibble: 6 x 4
##      ID Code  Variable         Description                                      
##   <dbl> <chr> <chr>            <chr>                                            
## 1     1 X01   Pct_Sun          Percent sunny days                               
## 2    10 X10   Unemployment_Ra… Percent unemployment                             
## 3    12 X12   Uninsured_Rate_… Percent uninsured adults                         
## 4    13 X13   Heart_Disease_R… Deaths per 100000  due to heart disease          
## 5    23 X23   Urban_Populatio… Percentage of population living in urban areas   
## 6     4 Y04   severity_index   severity index based on death_rate: ## 1 = < 0.1…

# subset the dataframe
rf_df <- df %>% select(all_of(my_xy))

Now we’ll add code to create and train a basic Random Forest model. Add the Part 3 code below to your RScript but omit lines that begin with a double-hash (##):

At this point the model is trained and the next step is to evaluate its usefulness at making predictions. Let’s see how the model does at predicting the labels of the test dataset. Remember that the test data was not used during the training exericse. As such, the confusion matrix and classification accuracy associated with the test dataset provides a useful check of the skill of the model. Add the Part 4 code below to your RScript but omit lines that begin with a double-hash (##) :

Save your script and run it. Take a look at the results for the test dataset - the classifcation accuracy is well under 50%. Furthermore, there are systematic failures in the confusion matrix. It’s not a very good model. The most likely culprit is that the set of features is inadequate for making the desired prediction. We should re-run the model using different or additional features.

4.2 Day 23 - Support Vector Machines

For today’s independent work you will learn about the Support Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm and apply it to the COVID-19 data that you worked with on Monday.

The SVM algorithm seeks to determine an optimal hyperplane that separates labeled observations.

  • Hyperplanes can be linear or non-linear.

  • Support vectors are data points lying closest to the optimal hyperplane.

  • The e1071 package in R provides an implementation of SVM.

The figure below illusrates a linear SVM. Line \(H_3\) provides the optimal separation between the white and black data points. Points with perpendiculars to \(H_3\) are the support vectors for the dataset. The SVM algorithm classifies unlabeled data points by examining their location with respect to the optimal hyperplane. Data points above line \(H_3\) would be classified as “black” and datapoints below the line would be calssified as white.

4.2.1 An SVM Example using COVID-19

We’ve already laid a large part of the groundwork for machine learning with the random forest example. With a few modifications, the covid_19_rf.R script can be adapted to use an SVM algorithm instead of Random Forest.

  • Open your covid_19_rf.R script in RStudio

  • Click File --> Save As ... and name the file covid_19_svm.R

  • In Part 1 of covid_19_svm.R, replace library(randomForest) with library(e1071). This will load the svm algorithm instead of the randomForest algorithm.

  • In Part 3 of the code, replace randomForest() with svm() and add the following argument to the svm() function: probability = TRUE. The svm() code should look something like this:

  • The svm() package does not provide useful implementations of print(model) or importance(model). Comment out, or delete, those lines of Part 3 and replace with summary(model). When you are finished, the final section of the Part 3 code should look something like this:

That’s it! The rest of the code (i.e. Part 4) can be re-used. Save your covid_19_svm.R script and run it. How does the SVM algorithm perform in comparison with the Random Forest algorithm?

4.3 Day 24 - the \(k\)-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm

For today’s independent work you will learn about the \(k\)-Nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm and apply it to the COVID-19 data.

For a given unlabeled data point (\(X^*\)) the KNN algorithm identifies the nearest \(k\) labeled data points.

  • Euclidean distance is typical

  • Normalization of data is necessary to prevent biased distances.

  • The label of \(X^*\) is predicted to be the most frequently occurring label among the \(k\) nearest neighbors.

  • The class package in R provides an implementation of KNN.

The figure below illustrates the KNN approach and is courtesy of Antti Ajanki. For \(k=3\), the neighborhood contains 2 triangles and 1 square so we’d predict \(X^*\) is a triangle. For \(k=5\), the neighborhood contains 3 squares and 2 triangles so we’d predict \(X^*\) is a square.

With a few modifications, the covid_19_svm.R script can be adapted to use an KNN algorithm instead of SVM.

  • Open your covid_19_svm.R script in RStudio

  • Click File --> Save As ... and name the file covid_19_knn.R

  • In Part 1 of covid_19_knn.R, replace library(e1071) with library(class). This will load the knn algorithm instead of the svm algorithm.

  • The KNN algorithm requires the feature data to be normalized. Add the following line in Part 1 of covid_19_knn.R. Add the line after the df <- df %>% mutate(Y04 <- as.factor(Y04)) line, as shown below. If necessary, use install.packages('BBmisc') to install the BBmisc package and its normalize() function.

  • In Part 3 of the code, replace svm() with knn() and adjust the call to knn() so that it looks like this:
  • The knn() package does not provide useful implementations print(model), importance(model), or summary(model). Comment out, or delete, those lines of Part 3. When you are finished, the final section of the Part 3 code should look something like this:
  • In Part 4 of the script, replace:


That’s it! The rest of the code can be re-used. Save your covid_19_knn.R script and run it. How does the KNN algorithm perform in comparison with the Random Forest and SVM algorithms?

4.4 Day 25 - Exploring the KNN Algorithm

For today’s independent work you will learn explore the algorithm settings of the KNN algorithm.

Open your covid_19_knn.R script and locate the line that creates the KNN model (model = knn(...)). Adjust the number of neighbors so that k = 5 and re-run the script. Record the classification accuracy. Try again, but use k = 3.

Re-run each experiment several times (e.g. collect 10 trials of k=5 and 10 trials of k=3, and so on). For a given value of k, do you get the same result each time?

Continue with these numerical experiments until you’ve filled out the table below:

What do the results suggest about the most appropriate setting for k? Can you think of a better way to perform the numerical experiments and collect the results?

4.5 Day 26 (Friday) Zoom check-in

Today we’ll check how you’re doing with using machine learning in R. Then we’ll get you prepared for weekend activities, where you’ll continue to explore modeling using the COVID-19 dataset.

4.5.1 Review and trouble shoot (25 minutes)

  • Has everyone had a chance to try out at least one of the machine learning algorithms?

  • Has anyone tried additional or alternative combinations of features?

  • What is the best classification accuracy that you have been able to obtain?

  • What parameters appear to be the most important?

4.5.2 This weekend (25 minutes)

ROC/AUC - Another Measure of Machine Learning Performance

We’ve already seen how classification accuracy and the confusion matrix give an indication of the performance of a trained machine learning algorithm. It’s also good practice to examine the “ROC curve” and related “AUC” metrics.

  • ROC curve: As illustrated in the figure below, the ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve plots the true positive (TP) vs. false positive (FP) rate at various probability thresholds. In the figure, the dashed blue line represents a hypothetical ROC curve for some machine learning model and the solid red line is the curve for a “non-informative” model (i.e. a model that makes a uniform random guess). As such, we’d like the blue curve to be as far above the red curve as possible.

  • AUC: AUC stands for “area under curve” and is the area under the ROC curve. In the previous figure, the AUC would be the area under the dashed blue curve. Values of AUC quantify the degree to which an ROC curve lies above (or below) the “non-informative” curve. Some interesting AUC values:

    • AUC = 0.0: the model is always wrong (with respect to TP vs. FP)

    • AUC = 0.5: the model is no better than guessing (i.e. the model matches the red “non-informative” curve in the figure)

    • AUC = 1.0: the model is always right (with respect to TP vs. FP)

For a problem with multiple classes (as opposed to a binary True/False, Male/Female, or Yes/No problem) we can compute the ROC curve curve and AUC measures using a “one vs. all” approach:

  • First, extract predicted probabilities from the RF model (the scores).

  • Next, extract actual classification for each category.

  • Finally, leverage three commands of the ROCR module:

    • prediction(): retrieve scores

    • performance(): generates TPR, FPR, and AUC measures through two separate calls

    • print(): generates a TPR vs. FPR plot

The ROC/AUC calculation is fairly involved so we’ll create a helper function for it and then incorporate the helper function into our machine learning scripts.

# Part 5 - ROC/AUC

# roc_one_vs_all()
#   A helper function to compute one vs. all ROC/AUC for a given level (i)
roc_one_vs_all <- function(i) {
    actual <- as.numeric(y_test[[1]] == i)
    score <- probs[,i]
    pred <- ROCR::prediction(score, actual)
    perf <- ROCR::performance(pred, "tpr", "fpr")
         main="ROC Curve", 
         add = i != lvls[[1]])
    # calculate the AUC and print
    auc_i <- ROCR::performance(pred, measure="auc")

# prepare data for computing ROC/AUC
x_test <- select(test, all_of(my_x))
y_test <- select(test, all_of(my_y))
# how we obtain probs depends on the algorithm
if (inherits(model, "randomForest")) 
    probs <- predict(model, x_test, type='prob')
} else if (inherits(model, "svm"))
    probs <- predict(model, x_test, probability = TRUE)
    probs <- attributes(probs)
    probs <- as.data.frame(probs$probabilities)
    probs <- probs[,order(colnames(probs))]
} else # the KNN alg requires approximation of probabilities
  # highest predicted probabilities
  pnrst <- attributes(model)$prob
  # corresponding one-based categories
  y_one <- as.numeric(min(levels(df$Y04))) - 1
  vpreds <- as.integer(as.character(preds)) - y_one
  # map probabilities into a matrix of zeroes
  probs <- matrix(0.00, 
                  nrow = length(pnrst),
                  ncol = length(levels(df$Y04)))
  probs[cbind(seq_along(vpreds), vpreds)] <- pnrst
  # coerce to data frame
  probs <- data.frame(probs)
  colnames(probs) <- levels(df$Y04)
lvls <- unique(as.character(y_test[[1]]))
cols <- c("red","orange","yellow","green",

# vapply helper function across levels
auc <- vapply(lvls, roc_one_vs_all, numeric(1))

# tack on legend and non-informative line
       legend=paste("PSI =",lvls), 

Assuming you’ve been following along with the daily activities, you can add this Part 5 code to any of your algorithm scripts (e.g. covid_19_rf.R, covid_19_knn.R, covid_19_svm.R, etc.). The code uses the inherits() function to adapt the output of each individual algorithm into a form that is suitable for the ROC/AUC calculation.

4.6 Day 27

Today you’ll explore different combinations of features in your COVID-19 model.

  • Select another 5 features and adjust Part 2 and Part 3 of your covid_19_rf.R script. In Part 2 you’ll need to adjust the my_x variable and in Part 3 you’ll need to adjust the model formula (e.g. Y04 ~ X01 + ....). Re-run the script and record the error rate, confusion matrix, and measures of parameter importance.

  • Repeat the above step after adding an additional 5 features.

  • How does the performance of the model change as more features are included?

  • Does any particular parameter stand out in terms of importance?

  • What does the most important parameter correspond to in termo of the metadata?

4.7 Day 28

Today you’ll explore making some tweaks to the random forest model to see if you can improve its performance on the COVID-19 dataset. The algorithm parameters that you’ll be adjusting are described below:

  • ntree : The number of trees to grow. Default is 500.

  • mtry : The number of variables randomly sampled as candidates at each split. Default is sqrt(p) where p is the number of features included in the model.

Let’s perform some numerical experiments to explore how these algorithm parameters effect model performance:

  • Setup a random forest model that has at least 16 features (see instructions from yesterday’s activity).

  • In Part 3 of your covid_19_rf.R script, add the following arguments to the randomForest() function:

    • ntree = 1000

    • mtry = 8

  • Re-run the script and record the error rate, confusion matrix, and measures of parameter importance.

  • Repeat the above process using:

    • ntree = 2000

    • mtry = 2

  • Does adjusting the parameters effect the model performance? If so, what observations can you make?

  • Can you think of a “better” way to evaluate the influence of algorithm parameters?

Congratulations - you made it through a week of machine learning boot camp! You can download completed scripts (i.e. Part 1 through Part 5) for each algorithm using the links below: